
Your Life's Purpose - Mr RAMMFIT

Your Life's Purpose - Mr RAMMFIT

Ask most people who they are, what they want or where they’re going, and I guarantee most people will be speechless.
Well because they have neutralised everything that makes them unique through conforming to social pressures, wanting to be accepted by the herd and not being seen as an “outsider”, especially by family and people masquerading as friends.

You can’t live life through other people’s expectations AND follow your life’s purpose.
Following your life’s purpose means you do it regardless of whether people like you for it or not and the chances are, you will disappoint people along the way.
Here’s why and how you follow your life’s purpose.

Inspired is a Latin word meaning “something from the outside breathing within us”.
You are born with a genetic makeup that will never be repeated again in history, ever.
A particular uniqueness that has a natural energy to it and you will be drawn to certain things that make you come alive.

Some people ignore it because to pursue it means disappointing some people who may be upset that you are no longer living life through their expectations.
You’re not here to do that.
Their destiny is theirs to fulfill if they decide to build the courage, drive and determination to do it.
You have yours to fulfill so don't ignore it otherwise you will spiral downward into depression and end up miserable.

Look at the men in society today and tell me are we oversaturated with men living up to their true and fullest potential?
No, we are oversaturated with emasculated, passive, compliant and obedient yes men with no integrity.
They don’t know who they are, what they want or where they’re going.
There’s no compass to guide them.
Then, they have the audacity to blame and complain about things they should have taken responsibility for a long time ago.
If you want to be happy, fulfill your life’s purpose, as God intended.

The thing that weakens men is we have been programmed and conditioned not to be selfish but pursuing your life’s purpose means you have to be at some point.
You’re giving up the bland, boring and average for the extraordinary in the pursuit of happiness.

The system (“system” is a Latin word meaning “sewage”) doesn’t want strong, empowered men living their purpose because that means less anxiety, depression, misery and sickness.
Strong, healthy men mean less men being reliant on a system that wants you living with a slave mentality.
Strong, healthy men with confidence and self-esteem means they don’t live in fear and are not easy to manipulate and control.
If a man wants to feel alive, he must follow his life’s purpose because that is the only way he will be fulfilled, filled full.

So how do you pursue your life’s purpose?
Start by listening to your inner voice because the first step is inward, not listening to outside forces like the expectations society places on you, mental pressure to conform and be like everyone else.
Stop listening to your peers and stop comparing yourself to others.
Most people don’t even know who they are, what they want or where they’re going so why would compare yourself to an unconscious person?

Next, think about how you can pursue your life’s purpose, not whether or not you’re worthy.
Of course you’re worthy, it’s your inner critic that tells you you’re not.
Can you make it your vocation or are you happy to make it a hobby or a side hustle.
When you connect deeply to it, you will have no trouble finding a way to make it happen.
It’s called desire, the internal drive to build and create.

Finally, understand that pursuing your life’s task means learning through the painful process of trial and error.
It may have been done before, but not the way you can build and create.
It’s okay to take something that already exists and make it better, that’s called innovation and on the path of pursuing your life’s purpose, it will be constant innovation through trial and error.

Remember, it’s your purpose.
Other people are free to live theirs as they see fit, if they choose to.
Let them figure it out for themselves because you have a lot of work to do and you’re running out of tomorrows.

Keep winning men!

I hope you find this of value.

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